Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pros Arts Studio

Pros Arts Studio seems like a great, home-grown Pilsen/Little Village community arts organization...with SAIC Art Ed's own (or former?) Giselle Mercier as its executive director. No doubt that this organization is up to great things, but they could use a little help conveying that visually and virtually!
While I admit that the low-budget, amateur website feel does give me a warm and fuzzy feeling (I realized I kind of miss blue links that turn purple upon visitation), I do have a few suggestions:
  • enlarge name/logo, especially on the home page, but throughout the site would be good.
  • redesign that top menu bar...the orange grid thing has got to go.
  • cut down on the amount of text throughout the site by at least half.
  • choose a font & size to use throughout and stick with it; sans serif would be ideal!
  • intersperse links throughout so different portions of the site talk to one another.
  • the calendar could be spruced about embedding a google g-calendar? This can be done very easily...
  • what's with the "showcase" page...I don't get it.
  • to end on a positive note, I think the photo selection is great.


  1. great suggestions, katie. all very valid and i think they'd help spruce up the page. giselle is unfortunately no longer an official part of art ed (was admin director, now just an instructor) but she is great and will hopefully bring a new energy to the organization.

  2. oh yes, this design really hurts me. your suggestions are very strong and doable. it seems like obvious stuff, and it makes me sad when small arts organizations miss that. i hear you on the "don't look too rich" argument, but they could master some design basics without looking undeserving of attention, help, and $ from donors.

  3. . . . oh yes, the itcy-bitsy logo that almost shows up . . . I was actually wondering about that - it looks like a scribble. Another issue I had, and this might be TOTALLY irrelevant, was the "showcase" link: is that all they are putting there? (there's just a huge design of their name) or are there some other events/activities that usually go in there?
