Sunday, February 22, 2009

Community Arts Network

We know how I feel about long scroll-intensive/text-heavy home pages by now...while this one is definitely too scrolly for my simple tastes, once I got over my overwhelmedness I found lots of interesting articles and came to really appreciate the depth and organization of the site.

In the headlines, I found a good one on Going Green with Public Art Policy, which is not only interesting and relevant to all artists given our current "climate," but it is related to my thesis topic! I enjoyed reading the article, and then I found the sidebar list which appeared on the right-hand side to be helpful, as it listed other articles I might be interested in related to the same topic. I didn't notice when I was on the homepage because there was so much to take in, but once I was reading an article, I noticed the different categories that appear on the left-hand sidebar: disciplines/populations/social contexts/the field/resources. These links direct you to archives on the given topic, and I liked that I was able to subscribe to email notifications about the specific topic.

This site has A LOT to offer; my suggestions for improvement would be to streamline the homepage, perhaps add some more graphics and cut down on the text, perhaps with some links to the major categories: recent articles, blogs, news, forums, links, etc. instead of having everything right there.


  1. i'm not sure why so many sites seem to have this long streaming content issue, but it's fairly common. maybe they need to address this point back in website design basics 101. :)

    yay! i'm glad you found something relevant to your thesis on the site. hopefully this is the kind of linkage that many of these resources will be able to provide. connections to the bigger picture of your studies.

  2. great suggestions for streamlining. p.s. you are a very dedicated blogger, posting at 6 in the morning.
